The Perfect Bait

 Hi guys! Thank you so much for coming back! I hope you enjoyed the last blog because I have about 8 more planned for this little lego blog series. So, let's get started on number 2.

Bait Shop

This time, I am deciding to talk about my Bait Shop. This set came out a couple of years ago and I absolutely loved it. I never thought I would own it. I got the Bait Shop for my birthday the one year. It is huge, it takes up an entire 32 X 32 platform and stands about a foot tall. I took me quite a while to build but it was worth it. The whole set has a sea side, old shack theme and I love that. It fits perfectly was a beach side boardwalk or boat and fishing harbor. 


The mix matched floor boards and broken looking panels randomly about really add to the rustic theme of the shop and add character to the set. The green panel shows the old age from the sea water. It helps show the story around the shop and old and long it has been there. I love the detail on the roof and the fish and lobsters in crates all over the place. The fishing signs and posters all over the place on the outside really add to the theme of the set. The over all storytelling of the set is great with the amount of detail.  


I love the detail on the inside of this set. The checkered green and tan floor and the cement brick wall are amazing. The clutter of nets, poles, tackle boxes, and scuba gear all over really gives you the idea that you are at a little bait shop by the sea. It makes the shop look so alive and well used, like it is visited often. 

The little office in the main towel is so cute. It's a great place for the shop owner or manager to sneak away and hide for a little. There is also a ladder on the side of the wall that leads to the roof which, I can imagine, has an amazing view of the ocean and land surrounding it. 

Above are the mini figures that came with this set. They are super cute. The captain of the boat who has probably own the shop for many years. The fisherman who looks like he has just spent the whole day on the water. The fisherwoman looks like she is about to go out onto the water. Last but not least, the little boy who just looks excited to be there. I love the characters that come with this set. I think they fit perfectly with it and help with the storytelling of the Bait Shop. 

That it's guys. Thanks again for reading! See you next time!


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