Do or Do Not

Hey everyone! Today, we are traveling to a galaxy far, far away! All you Star Wars fan out there, buckle up, I got an exciting set in store for you. We are not going to be talking about any normal set though. This set is mad with the force and has some incredible abilities. So let's hit the hyperdrive and travel into another galaxy.

Master Yoda

I love this build! It is so cool. This Master Yoda figurine is an amazing piece to have in any Lego collection. I got him this past year for Christmas and I never thought I would own this piece. It truly is something special. He is so tall. He stands over a foot tall, I believe, with or without the lime green lightsaber. 

The detail on the outside of Yoda is super cool. Everything is build on a skeleton like tower that is on the inside of the creation. Each side of Yoda was build separately and then put on to the side of the tower. This is an incredible detail that you wouldn't notice unless you were the one building him. I also love the detail on how the structure of his Jedi robe is create. It makes him look like he has dimension and is truly ready for battle or for an attack. 

Even the back of Master Yoda has a lot of detail. His hoodie is folded down like you could actually flip it up and put it on. The white hair on Yoda's green, little head is super cute too. It looks a little life like even. It gives him a lot of character. You can not see in this picture but, the detail on Yoda's hands and feet are pretty cool too. I love how he is holding the lightsaber in his tiny hands. I also like how his hands and feet even have little claws on them too.
Even the details on Master Yoda's face are amazing. His eyes are so cool and kind of creepy if I am being honest. His eyelids are able to move up and down to make him look happy and calm or serious like he is ready for a fight. I also love his little, pointy ears. The details on his face a truly incredible. 

This set also come with a little Yoda mini figure as well. He sits on a little base plate that has an informational sign on it as well. It gives some fun facts about Yoda, like his age, height, and species, if only we knew what Yoda's species was. This is a neat little addition to the set.

Well that's it for this addition to this little blog of mine. See you guys next time!


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